Hope For Tomorrow Counseling

It is Not Good for Man to be Alone

By Regina Barbour, MA, Resident in Counseling

“The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Genesis 2:18 (NIV)

Often when we read or hear this scripture, we think of marriage, and rightfully so. Yes, God did say this after he created Adam; however, one thing I am learning about God, is when he speaks, He often has a multitude of meanings for what He is saying or doing. During these last few years, as a counselor walking my clients through a new treatment modality, I have noticed a concurring pattern. I have noticed that many or most of my clients are doing life alone. I also noticed that many people who attend church are also trying to do life alone. As a substance abuse counselor, I am always telling my clients that they cannot do recovery alone. I am also telling my clients who are coming to counseling for emotional healing that they too cannot do life alone. No one can do life alone. It does not matter how spiritual you are or if you have your life altogether. God never intended it to be that way. The message of the cross was that God so loved the world that He gave His Son to die for a sinful world so they could, in turn, have a relationship with Him. Relationship is the essence of the Gospel. It is also the key for recovery from addictions and emotional healing.

Dr David Clarke educates and instructs his clients that in order to recover or heal, a person must create a team. In other words, you cannot heal and recover alone. That team can consist of a family member, pastor, minister, neighbor, or friend. This team

mate can be any person who can take time out on a weekly basis to walk you through

life challenges. This person must be a person of character, honesty, integrity, can keep

secrets and loves you.

Along with creating a team, one must address their spirituality by attending church on a regular basis; however, not just attend but get involved and serve. It is through the power of serving others that we heal, are empowered, and fulfilled.

The last step is to find and engage in weekly small groups. This group can be a

recovery group, such as celebrate recovery, AA/NA meetings, a small men or women

Bible study, a support group, any kind of small gathering that will allow you fellowship on

a consistent basis. Small groups are very powerful. It is here that you are loved,

supported, encouraged, strengthened, listened to, and receive prayer.

When the early church was established, the believers met in homes. COVID showed the world the importance of fellowship and how much we need each other. Now that COVID is here, we have an advantage to attend groups online which is still a way to connect. If we as the body of believers are going to excel in this life, we must stop and get off the fast pace of life and return back to fellowship. Couples must start or continue to have date nights, those who are struggling with addictions must attend recovery meetings, and those who are struggling with mental health must remove themselves from the evil of isolation and engage in counseling, weekly groups, and attend God’s House.

I close with these scriptures that tell us that two are better than one, for if one falls the other can help him (Ecclesiastes 4:9,10). Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another that you may be healed (James 5:16). No one is called to do life alone.

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